Virginia Marathon:
Navigate to one of the links above to watch the location of someone running the Virginia Marathon or Merikos. The first initial and last name of each athlete will show on the GPS tracking page.
You can find and / or filter which athletes display on the GPS tracking page by opening the Watch List (see below) and entering filtering criteria in the search box. For example, if you wanted to see all athletes with the last name “Smith,” enter “Smith” in the search box and click on “Sort.” Note that it may take 10 to 15 seconds before the filter is reflected on the map.
To show (or hide) the Watch List tap on the magnifying glass or tap on “Watch List” then enter search criteria in the search box, tap on the athlete’s name, or tap on the athlete’s icon. When an athlete is selected a small blue circle will appear next to the athlete’s name on the map. To deselect an athlete tap on an area of the map were no individuals are located or refresh the webpage.
Live Tracking will automatically turn on navigating to the race webpage using the link above. You can turn Live Tracking on or off by taping on the hamburger menu (☰) if showing (it only displays when the screen is small) then Tools, Live Tracking, and toggle the option under “Watch as participant locations update.” You can automatically recenter the map on an athlete you are watching by taping on the hamburger menu (☰), then Tools, Live Tracking and toggle the option under “Turn Auto Pan On/Off.” This option only works if you have selected an individual to watch using the Watch List.